"The nonpartisan New Jersey League of Conservation Voters endorsed Committeewoman Amalia Duarte as an “environmental champion.” The recognition acknowledges her work, from serving as liaison to the Environmental Commission for six years; voting against overdevelopment; pushing for the town to explore joining the Highlands Council to protect open space; and advocating for legislation that would force developers to provide earlier and more widespread notification to residents when they file an application." Executive Director Ed Potosnak said, “Local and county governments are on the front lines of tackling issues including improving air quality, reducing flooding, and preserving open space from warehouse sprawl. They play a critical role in environmental protection.”
"When it comes to experience, it is difficult to find someone as seasoned as Duarte, but it may come as a surprise that she has only been in office since 2018. Among her accomplishments have been co-chairing the “Rebuild Ralston Playground” campaign, for which she raised more than $100,000, and leading the township’s Stigma-Free Task Force. Vote for Amalia Duarte for another term on the Mendham Township Committee."
"The nonpartisan Latina Civic PAC endorsed Committeewoman Amalia Duarte as part of its mission to increase the number of Latinas in elected and appointed offices in New Jersey. “These women each exemplify Latina Civic PAC’s mission to improve and build a better community for Latinas and their families,” stated Laura Matos, chair of Latina Civic PAC. “We are thrilled to endorse these candidates and are confident in their ability to serve, working for the best interest of our Latino communities throughout New Jersey."
Committeewoman Lauren Spirig, Devonshire Lane
Amalia Duarte's experience and dedication to the role of Township Committee Member are unmatched. And she's a key reason why we're getting things done—addressing the ash tree crisis, reinvigorating the Open Space Committee, tackling highly charged topics with nuance and balance. We've got a good thing going right now. Re-elect Amalia Duarte, and let's see where we can take it
Kevin Duffy, East Main Street
In six years of service on our Township Committee, Amalia has not missed a single meeting. Her commitment has resulted in tangible accomplishments that we experience in our everyday lives, from the rebuilding of the Ralston Playground, to greater investments in our roads, low taxes, and preservation of the environmental resources that surround us.
Chris Michaels, Yardley Road
Amalia’s action in moving our community to single-stream collection creates greater ease for community members while not impacting all the benefits of recycling. I appreciate Amalia’s willingness to listen to community thoughts and concerns, her leadership - and most of all – her actions!
Marcy Lefkowitz, Oak Knoll Road
She speaks with deep knowledge, historical context, and respect for others, the result of many years of hard-working, dedicated service to our Township. She attends every meeting, and she encouraged me to attend public sessions to hear from others as well. I learned from Amalia that issues that matter to most residents shouldn’t break down across party lines, and it’s my experience that she works across the aisle to arrive at solutions for our most pressing concerns. I am grateful to have joined this wonderful community, and I feel lucky to have a public servant like Amalia Duarte working on our behalf.
Paul Ciancimino, Ironia Road
In watching the most recent five-hour Zoom meeting regarding the Backer Farm Brewery, I realized how important it is for Amalia to continue serving on the Township Committee. She was prepared and asked appropriate questions, all in the spirit of fairness and honest clarification. Her maturity, savvy handling of difficult attendees, and compassion were stellar. My support for Amalia is not based on just one meeting. It is based on her consistent performance over many years. She has pioneered transparency with her emails and updates of the goings on of the Township Committee. I ask my fellow citizens of Mendham Township to think hard before they pull the lever on November 7 and not vote for a party but rather a great, qualified candidate
Brian Boden, Walsingham Road
She is experienced, open, and competent. The key difference between her and others is that she seeks and has far, far more direct contact with residents and more solid boots-on-the-ground facts than anyone else, so she more fully understands and satisfies all the concerns and supports what is best and appropriate. In other words, she faithfully works for the town’s best interests and for the residents rather than just rote voting as a rigid group. All good.
Ken Beckerman, Green Hills Road
Amalia focuses on all aspects of what the town needs including strict fiscal responsibility and saving money for the town’s residents. As a business owner and taxpayer, I find her approach to be quite refreshing.
Meredith Sahi, Hilltop Circle
Amalia’s re-election will keep intact a valuable line of defense against overdevelopment and the protection of our town's open spaces and unique character. Her role as liaison to the Environmental Commission and her endorsement by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters underscore her commitment to conservation.
Mark Sebrees, Yardley Road
I support the re-election of Amalia Duarte for Mendham Township Committee. Experience matters and Amalia now has a long track history of listening to her constituents. Her positions and actions on environmental protection, diversity and inclusion and fiscal responsibility resonate with what matters to Mendham residents.
Martin Slayne, Indian Hollow Road
Seeing Amalia’s community leadership in action, it’s clear whichever your party allegiance, or if you are independent, that voting for Amalia Duarte is a vote with community interest and sincerity at heart, to work for the benefit of all residents.