Committeewoman Duarte is a 24-year township resident with a long history of community service. She volunteered with youth soccer and basketball programs as a coach and Board member. She was appointed to the township Recreation Commission in 2005 and served continuously for 12 years. She also served on the Board of Adjustment (Zoning) and Open Space Committee. During her six-year tenure on the Township Committee, Committeewoman Duarte has served as liaison to nearly every sub-committee and volunteer group, including the Environmental Commission; Fire Department; First Aid Squad; Historic Preservation Committee; Mendham TV; Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee; Police Department; Shared Courts; and Surrounding Town Outreach. Professionally, she works as the Public Affairs Director for a nonprofit that provides services to children and adults with special needs. Her two (now adult) children attended township public schools and graduated from West Morris Mendham High School. In her leisure time, Committeewoman Duarte enjoys playing softball, skiing, running 5K races and spending time with family and friends.

​​​Former Chair & Vice Chair, Recreation Commission
Former Vice Chair, Board of Adjustment
Former Longtime Chair, Mendham Patriots 5K Race & Kids’ Fun Run
Co-Chaired, Rebuild Ralston Playground Committee
Former Board Member, Open Space Commission
Board Member, Schiff Nature Preserve
President, Rotary Club of the Mendhams
Board Member, The Sharing Project
Trustee, Brookside Community Church
Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor
Board Member, Head Start of Morris County
Board Member Emeritus, NJ Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
Former Board Member, West Morris Soccer Club and volunteer coach
Former Commissioner, Patriots Basketball and volunteer girls’ basketball coach
B.A. New York University
Oak Knoll School, Summit
St. Teresa's School, Summit
Public Affairs Director, ECLC of New Jersey, a nonprofit dedicated to providing "Education, Careers & Lifelong Community" to children and adults with disabilities
Chair, Public Relations Committee for ASAH, the statewide, umbrella organization for schools and agencies serving individuals with special needs.
Decades of professional experience at Lucent, Time Warner and Citigroup, where she managed an international team and large budgets.